.. the autowrite paint by numbers is about as fascinating to me as ‘having an affair - or taking up gambling - & yet ‘get that people may find it ‘creatively satisfying .. or ‘makes them more successful or capable.. so go big or don’t go.. But since I’m ‘marketing myself & ideas here constantly - hardly can allow a mere algorithmic driven shadow to do so .. I’ve worked on the land & the land, winds & waters certainly worked upon me.. nothin artificial there eh !🦎🏴‍☠️

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Wow. This was SO worth reading. I feel so heard and so seen by your words. They're the same ones that have been running through my head. As a software engineer and highly technical person that has and does work with machine learning systems, I still feel that human fear that the time for human-only expression is coming to an end, and a world is coming where all books, news and articles will be written by these LLMs, despite having some humans byline, and no one will be able to tell when it's human and when it isn't. I fear that some of these special gifts of language and expression we humans are endowed with, which have been unique as far as we know to humans, are about to become industrialised and produced in factory-style abundance like plastic straws. Yes, our modern lifestyle is propped up by the mass production and industrialisation that provides us things like plastic straws. and every major technological leap throughout history has had its detractors, like the luddites, whose fear was legitimate and real, but were forced to adapt to the new reality. Humanity has tried many times to put the brakes on what looks to be a very potentially dangerous technological develoment, like nuclear proliferation, yet still, even the most repressive regime on earth, ruling the poorest country on earth, has their own nuclear weapons. Technology is a relentless tide, and is sometimes rightly terrifying, and we might be able to slow it down a little bit for a little while, but that tide will keep coming on, and eventually it will break any banks we may put up to hold it back. Thank you so much for writing this!

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"Words produced in factory-style abundance like plastic straws" - what a visual!!!

Also enjoyed the luddites reference. Very much on point.

I appreciate you taking the time to read and leave a thoughtful comment. We have some... interesting times ahead of us. It's important to maintain a cool head and open our eyes to both the best and worst case scenarios.

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It's certainly going to be interesting times, as per the old curse "may you live in interesting times". The next question we will have to answer as a species is what an economy looks like when human labor - blue and white collar - is superfluous. Barely 200 years out from the industrial revolution, and such a scenario is really rushing up to meet us. In the meantime, I'm trying to finish writing my book on Dopamine, by hand, in my own words, before the day comes when most of them are no longer written by humans! It's a struggle, but we'll get there!

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Thank you for your thoughts

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